
The world is covered by our trails

The world is covered by our trails Scars we cover up with paint Watch them preach in sour lies I would rather see this world through the eyes of a child Through the eyes of a child Darker times will come and go Times you need to see her smile And mothers hearts are warm and mild I would rather feel this world through the skin of a child Through the skin of a child When a human strokes your skin That is when you let them in Let them in before they go I would rather feel alive with a childlike soul With a childlike soul Hey oh, oh hey Oh hey Ah-ah hey Oh hey Hey oh, oh hey Oh hey Ah-ah hey Oh hey Please don't leave me here Tradução Add a playlist
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Andréa Alark
Prazer eu me chamo Andréa Alark, mas todos me chama de Wendy. Não sou fã de vampiros, apesar de amar livros sobre. Amo ouvir Indie, Folk e Alternativo, e sou uma pessoa incrivelmente preguiçosque am traviseiros e docinhos.